07-08-2019, 09:39 AM
I've reported it to mybb community and we'll see what comes of that (they're normally pretty good at responding).
I've also looked at the two other editors that are 'plug and play' for the mybb system editor and both of them seem to have problems similar to scEditor (the system editor)
At the moment, I haven't a clue.... sorry.
Said they were pretty quick at responding - does this work for you now??
I've also looked at the two other editors that are 'plug and play' for the mybb system editor and both of them seem to have problems similar to scEditor (the system editor)
At the moment, I haven't a clue.... sorry.
Said they were pretty quick at responding - does this work for you now??
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller