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The Universal Vending Machine
And back out pops @UnicornSmudge, with a degree to teach us all advanced math so we can become accountants and help people with their money. I decide I want to go on a trip so I hop into the machine myself and see where I'll go and what I might be worth.
There is darkness all around and darkness inside.
Out pops a book "The adventures of @jman197 " - there are still many empty pages, but words spread over the paper as you continue your journey through time and space.
I'm still focused on reading, so I abstractedly throw in my chocolate I was going to eat. Oh no, my chocolate Sad
A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die. ~ F. Kafka
(04-15-2019, 04:49 AM)jman197 Wrote: And back out pops @UnicornSmudge, with a degree to teach us all advanced math so we can become accountants and help people with their money. I decide I want to go on a trip so I hop into the machine myself and see where I'll go and what I might be worth.

Big Grin Big Grin [ I wish that we had one of those laughing and crying face emoticons, @Dragon can this be added???]

@jman197 are you telling me my future ?!?!? Haha. Maybe i really need to find this machine...

(04-15-2019, 08:49 AM)Satiny Wrote: Out pops a book "The adventures of @jman197 " - there are still many empty pages, but words spread over the paper as you continue your journey through time and space.
I'm still focused on reading, so I abstractedly throw in my chocolate I was going to eat. Oh no, my chocolate Sad

Well, i am stil stretching after the journey through the machine, and out pops 2 hot chocolates, one for me and one for @Satiny
So i toss back in my empty mug after i drink, my jacket, and my hair-tie.
Oh yeah, @Satiny thanks for the cash card, it really helped get me through my degree Wink
A bucket full of wishes... is sometimes too heavy

Loved  Gloomy
... and as I wander past the UVM, out pops a dog leash and collar, held by a glove with no hand in it. No dog, no human, something's very odd here. Oh well ...

Looking around, I spy a little kitten watching me - looking at me and then the UVM - so, what the hey, gently tossed the kitty into the UVM ....
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller
...and out pops some Puma shoes. They look nice but unfortunately aren't my size so i leave them for someone else to try...

So I take a bag of arrowroot powder and spray it all over this Glove and Leash area, to see if an outline of a person and a dog appear. The bag itself, along with half of the arrowroot powder find themselves flying into the machine.
A bucket full of wishes... is sometimes too heavy

Loved  Gloomy
... and out pops some cookies! Thanks to the arrowroot, they're gluten-free. And I must say, they're quite tasty.

I just lost a game of Trivial Pursuit, so I get annoyed and throw that in the UVM.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to suicideresearcher for this post:
  • UnicornSmudge
And out pops Wink Martindale with a Doctoral Thesis in hand, he looks at it in disgust and throws it back into the UVM
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller
... And out pops a splendid bag stuffed with patternmaking books, rare fabrics and notions, and some sketchbooks, fine pencils, scissors, and paintbrush markers (The Best for blending and shading), curved rulers, among other odds and ends. Grateful for my good luck, i swoop up the bag.

** no idea who doc martindale is, but i figured a thesis represented manifestation of potential through work and ideas, or something like that, and then what that would mean to me.

Into the UVM i toss all of my projects from my first sewing class. I learned a lot, made a lot of mistakes, but valuable experience. -an ugly bag, a pillowcase, cotton PJ shorts, a men's button-up shirt, a magenta wool coat, a grey business skirt, and what the hell, toss in a handful of bobbins that got all knotted up together.
A bucket full of wishes... is sometimes too heavy

Loved  Gloomy
I wander past the UVM and out pops ... nothing???  Hell, this just isn't my day!!

** Wink Martindale was a ... well jack of all trades in the entertainment industry. Winks sole claim to an education was a BS degree (somehow appropriate for a entertainment mogul) hence the pun with throwing away the doctorate.
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller
Wandering through a random street in town, i see something shiny at the end of an alley. Shiny = must see! As i get closer, i can see it is a vending machine... And then within a few meters i recognize the UVM! Not as shiny as it appeared from afar, but happy to see it once again. I throw into it a handful of change and some empty glass bottles i found.

Heeey you guys! +Plus everyone i Didn't tag... Come play with me!! I found the long lost UVM Big Grin
@Dragon ,
@Keralin , @Echo66 , @Satiny , @jman197, @nameless the dog-boy, @Iamsamiam , @millionth , @jameswilliam , @nightsong ,
A bucket full of wishes... is sometimes too heavy

Loved  Gloomy
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to UnicornSmudge for this post:
  • Dragon

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