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The Universal Vending Machine
And out pops on Dominican nun with ruler attached for each item on your to-do list, loudly proclaiming that it's time to stop procrastinating!

I toss in my ashtray with butts ... damn I need to wash that ... later.

(( No insult intended to anyone, just memories of one very special nun from my youth ))
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Dragon for this post:
  • nikoo_o, UnicornSmudge
...& out pops a nice glass incense holder which I will take home Smile

I toss in my 2 dead basil plants, some empty gift bags, & a shovelfull of snow
A bucket full of wishes... is sometimes too heavy

Loved  Gloomy
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to UnicornSmudge for this post:
  • Dragon, nikoo_o
& Out pops an entire sleigh full of Santa's elves who collect your 2 dead basil plants and empty gift bags to be upcycled. And... oh no! Is that a snow tornado?!?

I crumple up all of my embarassment and shame from the past day and a half into a ball of yarn and I toss that in.
sometimes, having too much control of your mind leads to a loss of control
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to nikoo_o for this post:
  • Dragon, UnicornSmudge
Out comes a rather strangely coloured weighted blanket.

I throw in my lunch, dont really want to eat might as well (cheese and crackers).
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  • Dragon, UnicornSmudge
& out comes a yummy charcuterie board. Great bc i have the munchies! Big Grin

I throw in my dead rosemary plant & some empty essential oils bottles...
A bucket full of wishes... is sometimes too heavy

Loved  Gloomy
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to UnicornSmudge for this post:
  • Dragon, They/Them/Many
Out comes a scent diffuser (smells awesome).

I throw in my phone.
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  • Dragon, UnicornSmudge
and out comes a long long long tangle of copper wire.
(okay, that was before y'alls time)

I throw in a big wooden spool ... where d'ya think all that wire came from?
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Dragon for this post:
  • They/Them/Many, UnicornSmudge
Out comes a wooden spoon (because that what I misread spool as, causing some confusion as I wondered what wooden spoons had to do with copper wire).

I throw in apple pie.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to They/Them/Many for this post:
  • UnicornSmudge
(03-24-2022, 05:40 PM)They/Them/Many Wrote: Out comes a wooden spoon (because that what I misread spool as, causing some confusion as I wondered what wooden spoons had to do with copper wire).

I throw in apple pie.

Was it a giant wooden spoon? I just need to know  doglaugh  
Thinking of giant cable spools we used as tables as kids (yes they were splintery, we were careful... we were just making mud pies and normal kid stuff on them) but they were huge so i was thinking if that spoil morphed into a giant spoon.??? Or just a normal size spoon?

As for the UVM, it considered that pie one of the best donations, all things considered, & in return set out the 3 gopden apples (greek mythology) . i collect them in amazement & consider my fate and a change in the wind ... 

I throw in a bunch of stuff - clothes, art supplies, DVDs, books, canned food, random stuff. Dishes. Things not using right now. Glass that I can no longer recycle but have been holding onto for some reason. Plastics I can't recycle in this area for some reason. My collection of empty, clean pill bottles and small cosmetic jars. A bunch of tools and nails I won't be using. Half of my makeup. All the crafting stuff i never had time for... All that and a bag of chocolate chips...

Toss it all in.
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  • They/Them/Many
(@UnicornSmudge it’s an absolutely ginormous spoon… considering using it as the front door to my house) Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

From all you things, out comes a beautiful and colourful stain glass window I’m going to watch the shapes it makes when lights come through for hours. The chocolate chips came back out as they were so I will also eat those while watching the pretty colours.

I will throw in my physiotherapy (autocorrect changed that to physiotherapist…not sure he deserves that Tongue Big Grin Big Grin ) equipment.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to They/Them/Many for this post:
  • Dragon, UnicornSmudge

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