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Positivity doesn't always work
Stace Freedenthal just posted an article Toxic Positivity  It's very good very real and do I ever relate to it.
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller
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  • nikoo_o, UnicornSmudge
This was a great guest post, I also felt that tug of familiarity at several turns. I think it took a lot of courage for the author to write, and for all the inner work she's done to come from the mom full of toxic positivity towards her son, to coming to terms with him CTB and how she may have been a better support person had she not been holding onto that weird "smile and stuff it" ideal society brainwashes most people with. I hope more people can learn from her words and take that first step towards compassion and understanding for the sake of the people in their lives and in their communities.
A bucket full of wishes... is sometimes too heavy

Loved  Gloomy

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