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I'm working on some new prose. Just thought I'd share the beginning cause I surprised myself. It's coming out mildly positive so far.


The Abyss

At the edge of the Abyss, the Darkness and the Peace it proclaims calls to me.  It takes all the strength that I have to resist the Darkness, and the false-peace that its' Siren Song promises to me.  Daily I continue to try.
continue .....
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller

Peace &  :ht:,
The Eleventh Doctor: Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before.

At the edge of the Abyss, the Darkness and the Peace it proclaims calls to me.  It takes all the strength that I have to resist the Darkness, and the false-peace that its' Siren Song promises to me.  Daily I continue to try. But the Darkness is a trickster most foul, and many weapons are in its' arsenal. I have girded my loins with my strength, to fend off the Darkness, this wily trickster and deceiver of souls. False Peace beckons to me, calls me by name, promising reunion with souls who have gone on before. Cursed Siren Song, that beguiling, sweet sound that pierces my soul. Be gone, I cry, be gone, temptress most foul! Thou art not for me now, I wilst not hear thee, I wilst not feel thee! Thy pain melts my soul, and I am weak before thee. Some wouldst give thee what thy wishes, than suffer thy pain another moment. Thy friend, Darkness, hath pierced my very heart, it has been rend asunder, and I am broken. Thy friend and thee wouldst wish that I be broken always, but only time, temptress most foul, only time speaks with veracity. Tis true, I am broken now, but it shall not always be. I deny thee! I deny thee, temptress! Thy friend and thee are Hell spawn, dwellers in the Abyss. I will not join thee in the Abyss today, Demons, nay, I shall bind my wounds and take my leave of thee.

Quote:I will not join thee in the Abyss today, Demons, nay, I shall bind my wounds and take my leave of thee.

i sure hope so ;D

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