01-22-2022, 06:54 PM
@nikoo_o I had to play with that a good bit to make it readable, not sure what changed but it was tiny. I noticed yours was too, so I made it a tad bigger. See my note.
gall is, I think, another name for that bile you mention. And it's part of the digestive juices - in this case stuff that works mostly on the grease in food.
Shakespeare Quote Generator So we don't have to keep going back to page 1
gall is, I think, another name for that bile you mention. And it's part of the digestive juices - in this case stuff that works mostly on the grease in food.
Shakespeare Quote Generator So we don't have to keep going back to page 1
I'll pray a thousand prayers for thy death.
Taken from: Measure for Measure
Taken from: Measure for Measure
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller